Monday, April 18, 2011

Maggie Sullivan- Statistics Annotated Bibliography

6th Grade Mathematics: Statistics
Unit of Study: Interpretation of Data
            These three texts and two websites all provide opportunities for students to understand real data.  This unit will provide students with the opportunity to examine real data in circle graphs, frequency tables, and stem and leaf plots.  By the end of this unit, students will be able to interpret frequency tables, read and analyze circle graphs, interpret data from a stem-and-leaf plot, and describe a set of data using mean, median, and mode. 
1. Tradebook: Graphing in the Desert
ISBN-13: 9780761422624
Flesch Kincaid Readability estimate from Word ’07: Ranging from 3.5 to 4

Roy, Jennifer and Roy, Gregory (2006). Graphing in the Desert.  Cavendish, Marchall Corporation.

            This tradebook is provides a plethora of information about animals and plant-life in the desert.  This non-fiction text is filled with a variety of text features to help students understand and visualize various aspects of a desert.  As the title depicts, this text focuses on statistics by using real life examples.  The pictures are bright and help to “draw” the reader into the text.
            Students are exposed to graphs such as line graphs, pictographs, circle graphs, and bar graphs.  This text provides review of statistics taught in earlier years and can be used as an excellent introduction to the unit while determining a level of background knowledge for students. The readability estimate of this text is between 3.5 and 5.  This will be beneficial for students who are not reading on grade level. 
            As stated earlier, I would use this text as an introduction to the unit.  I would allow students to examine the graphs in this text discuss their previous exposure to these graphs.  I may even put my students in groups to examine one graph and compare their findings as a whole class.  It would also be beneficial to do a quick piece about the desert before using this tradebook; perhaps a KWL chart or a quick video clip. 

2. Tradebook: MEGAstructures: The Biggest Thrill Rides
ISBN-13: 9780836883619
Lexile: 960L  (6th grade readability estimate)

Mitchell, Susan K. (2008).  MEGAstructures: The Biggest Thrill Rides. New York: Gareth Stevens Publishing.

This tradebook is takes readers into an exciting world thrills and screams as we learn about the history, excitement, and current news on roller coasters throughout the world.  This non-fiction text provides students will radiant pictures, captions, diagrams, and a variety of data on heights, speed, and lengths of roller coasters. 
This tradebook would be an exceptional supplement to the interpretation of data unit in my 6th grade Math class.  Students would have an opportunity to learn about roller coasters and compare data given on different roller coasters in each chapter.  According to the Lexile Measures, this book is a 6th grade readability.  This would be beneficial for most students and could be used as instructional material for some of the students reading on lower levels.
I would use this book towards the end of the unit.  There are little graphs to be examined in this book.  Therefore, I would want students to be able to pull the data out of the book and place it in the graphs that we have learned about.  This would also be beneficial to illustrate how graphs are an important text feature to help us understand non-fiction texts.  I would model that I would like to see an actual graph to show the difference in heights of roller coasters as well as various speeds.  This book would be beneficial for higher-performing Math students.  As an independent reading assignment, students would be required to really analyze what is being provided in this text.

3. Tradebook: Oil Spill Disaster
ISBN-13: 9780531120682
Flesch Kincaid Readability estimate from Word ’07: 8.2

Chiang, Mona, Crane, cody, Hamalainen, Karina & Jones, Lynda. (2010). Oil Spill Disaster. New York: Scholastic Library Publishing.

            This tradebook is a current non-fiction text that provides students with up-to-date information about oil spills in the United States of America.  It begins by providing students with the most recent and disastrous oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. This is an excellent way to tap into students’ background knowledge of the topic and hopefully engage students.  The text continues by illustrating several other severe oil spills.  Students are exposed to a variety of graphs demonstrating the five words oil spills, top 10 oil-consuming nations, where oil comes from, how much is produced each day and where, and where Americans get their energy supply.
This tradebook will be a great supplement to my unit on Interpretation of Data. It provides current data that should be familiar to students.  The data is displayed in a variety of graphs and organizers that will hopefully be of interest to the students.  The readability estimate is a bit higher for 6th grade students.  Therefore, this text will be beneficial if used during instruction and modeling.
This text is rather lengthy and will not be used in full for the purpose of the unit.  After introduction to the unit, I will use this text to model some examples of graphs and how we can interpret and analyze the data.  I will guide students through a bit of background knowledge on the Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill.  I will the circle graph found on page 11 to illustrate how we can learn where oil is being produced in the United States and how much in each location.  I will also use the circle graph on page 30 to demonstrate how we can learn where most of the American energy supply comes from.  After using this text for modeling purposes, I will move on the more of a guided approach with students.  As we continue the unit, I may allow students to go back to this text for independent reading or groupwork.

4. Website: brightstorm

Public. Retrieved from http://www.

             This website would be a great supplement for my unit on Interpretation of Data.  It provides free on-line video tutorials for secondary students in Algebra, Trigonometry, Geometry, Statistics, Precalculus, Algebra 2, and Calculus.  There are also videos for Science and Text Prep.  There are homework help videos and forums for students that have questions.  There is a Math homework checker that provides answers for students’ math problems.
        I would use this website in the classroom for whole group and independent instruction.  I would also provide it to students to help them with their homework.  This is a great resource for students to continue to use as they advance in grades and mathematically.

5. Website: Khan Academy

 Retrieved from

                I can speak from experience when saying this website is very beneficial to an individual learner seeking more help on a particular math concept or concepts.  This website is created by a non-profit organization with a goal to "provide free world-class education to anyone anywhere."  I used this website to study for an Algebra CLEP (College Level Examination Program) exam just two years ago! It was beyond helpful!  This website provides a video library with skills ranging from elementary to adult level for all standards of mathematics.  There are also topics for biology, chemistry, history, and more.  Students are able to complete exercises at their own pace to get the practice needed to help them succed.  Data is kept to help keep track of what students are learning and whether or not they hit their goals.  Teachers can view student data and get summaries of their class performance as a whole.  Students can also earn badges and points for progress. There are also fun brainteasers for students seeking an enjoyable challenge.

Most of the videos provided on this website are posted on YouTube.  I have found it difficult to access videos like this at my school because of the firewall.  However, I would definitely use this website to provide additional at-home instruction for my students.  I would set goals with students and assign homework assignments and long-term assignments.  I may also talk to the internet support at my school to see if I can override the firewall for this particular site and use it as extra classwork or independent work. 

“I hereby affirm that I have neither given nor received help on this work.”


Sunday, April 3, 2011

Inquiry Project: Essential Question # 4

Essential Question:  How is differentiated instruction different for English Language Learners in Literacy?

After reading an article in the International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism entitled Scaffolding Instruction for English Language Learners: A Conceptual Framework, it is apparent that most researchers can agree that teachers must make an effort to incorporate English Language Learners' culture and background into the classroom.  This may be as simple as getting to know the students outside of the classroom.  It is important that ELLs get as much social interaction as possible, as this is the "basis for learning and development."  It is believed that scaffolding will help English Language Learners achieve more.  The argument is that there should be assistance from others to help English Language Learners achieve in the classroom.

Another example of scaffolding for ELLs is continuity, in which there is a lot of repetition with tasks and connections between classwork and projects.  It is believed that students should be free to explore in the classroom without fear or lack of support.  Classroom tasks should be geared towards the needs of the learners.  As ELLs begin to increase their skills and confidence, the teacher can release some power in what is called handover/takeover.  Instead of a linear curriculum, ELLs should receive a cyclical curriculum to have repetitive exposure to skills and language.  Students should receive multiple clues when learning a difficult content.  Modeling and bridging are great stategies to use to help ELLs in Literacy.  Teachers can also extend anticipatory guides.  Teachers can work to build schema and personal connections for students through exposure and experience.  Re-presenting text is another great way to scaffold for English Language Learners.

Scaffolding Instruction for English Language Learners: A Conceptual Framework.  Walqui, Aida. The International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism. Vol. 9, No. 2, 2006.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Website # 6

Cool Math

This website is designed for students ages 13-100!  It offers interactive help for all math standards including precalculus and calculus.  It introduces a Math Survival book for students who are not interested in Math.  It has puzzles, games, a math dictionary, Science information, parent information, math lessons, practice, and an article on how to relieve stress.  This website is geared towards students who love Math, as well as those who are just "trying to get through." 

I would use this website in my classroom for independent practice.  I would also use it for extra home assignments or projects.  This website would be a great resource for students and parents; as well as myself.

Website # 5

Figure This!

This website encourages family participation because it provides challenges for students and families outside of school.  These challenges match standards and can be completed in or out of school.  This website is designed towards middle school mathematics and introduces complex challenges for students.

Due to the high need for technology for each challenge, I would determine how many students have technology in the home.  I may use this as extra credit for students.  I may also use it has a whole class project in the computer lab.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Inquiry Project: Essential Question #3

  How can Teachers work to differentiate for their English Language Learners?

According to Robert Rueda of the University of Southern California, "differentiated instruction improves children's chances for becoming competent readers and writers."  Differentiated instruction will be different in all classrooms for teachers and students.  There is no signle proven method to differentiate for all students.  Teachers must first work to learn about their students outside of school.  They can use informal and formal methods to learn, such as communicating with parents and/or siblings.   They can walk around the local neighborhood to see where students live.  Teachers must also work to set high expectations for all students.  It is important that teachers incorporate meaningful content into daily curriculum.  Rueda states, "we must find ways to involve them and their worlds in the day-to-day life of the classroom."  Teachers can also help students by learning general knowledge about their linguistic backgrounds.

Oftentimes, English Language Learners are also in low-income areas where resources are limited.  Teachers can work to raise funds for resources within their school.  It is important to remember that succesful literacy is achieved with the help of many individuals.  Teachers can seek support from administrators, the community, students' family, and local politicians.  It is important for Teachers, as well as English Language Learners, have a support system within the school.  It is also beneficial if they can create a support system in the community.  Differentiated instruction can be achieved in all classrooms.  However, it is important for the Teacher to know about the students for whom he/she wishes to differentiate.  When teachers work to understand their students, and meet them where they are, successful literacy instruction can exist.

Macgillivray, Laurie & Rueda, Robert  Listening to Inner City Teachers of English Language Learners: Differentiating Literacy Instruction, 2001

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Website #4


This website provides free on-line video tutorials for secondary students in Algrebra, Trigonometry, Geometry, Algebra 2, Precalculus, and Calculus.  There are also videos for Science and Test Prep (SAT, ACT, PSAT, and AP).  There are homework help videos and forums for students with questions.  There is also a Math Homework Checker that provides answers for students' math problems. 

I would use this in the classroom for whole group and independent instruction.  I would also provide it to students to help them with homework.  This is a great resource for students to continue to use as they advance in grades and mathematically.

Website #3

Khan Academy

I can speak from experience when saying this website is very beneficial to an individual learner seeking more help on a particular math concept or concepts.  This website is created by a non-profit organization with a goal to "provide free world-class education to anyone anywhere."  I used this website to study for an Algebra CLEP (College Level Examination Program) exam just two years ago! It was beyond helpful!  This website provides a video library with skills ranging from elementary to adult level for all standards of mathematics.  There are also topics for biology, chemistry, history, and more.  Students are able to complete exercises at their own pace to get the practice needed to help them succed.  Data is kept to help keep track of what students are learning and whether or not they hit their goals.  Teachers can view student data and get summaries of their class performance as a whole.  Students can also earn badges and points for progress. There are also fun brainteasers for students seeking an enjoyable challenge.

Most of the videos provided on this website are posted on YouTube.  I have found it difficult to access videos like this at my school because of the firewall.  However, I would definitely use this website to provide  additional at-home instruction for my students.  I would set goals with students and assign homework assignments and long-term assignments.  I may also talk to the internet support at my school to see if I can override the firewall for this particular site and use it as extra classwork or independent work. 

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Inquiry Project: Essential Question #2

Topic: English Language Learners and Literacy-Differentiation

Question:   What are some beneficial literacy strategies to ensure differentiation in the classroom for ELLs?
                The New England Reading Association Journal offers nine strategies that can be used to differentiate in the classroom not only for English Language Learners, but for all students.  A strategy called “Cognates” is a strategy in which students are associate a new word with a word in their native language. For example, a student would give the Spanish word for book.  Choral reading encourages students to practice fluency amongst a group.  “React and Rhyme” is a strategy in which students examine facial expressions while reading and   then create rhymes to help students remember.  Another strategy that is beneficial is to act out stories.
                Students can have “individualized libraries” which consist of new words learned on index cards attached to the ring.  This is beneficial for emerging readers as well.  Students can work in partners or groups to develop peer support.  A strategy that is helpful for English Language Learners is to have an area in the classroom that is “language free.”  An example would be a dramatic play area or sensory table.  For new English Language Learners, it is helpful to avoid figurative language until they can grasp literal meaning.  All of the strategies can be helpful to the variety of learners and learning styles in the classroom.

Source:  New England Reading Association Journal. Buteau, Gerard & True, Marianne, 2009

Monday, February 21, 2011

Website #2


This website is great for visual learner and independent learners!  Countdown provides interactive videos on math skills for students.  "Each week the program introduces a different math concept through direct instruction and reinforces lessons with literature, manipulatives, activities and related computer instruction."

I would use this lesson to reinforce a skill that all students were struggling with, or as independent practice for intervention and/or enrichment.

Website #1

AAA Math

This website is a great website to help enrich middle school math. It is an interactive math website that provides lessons, unlimited practice, and immediate feedback for students. It is divided by grade level from K-8.

I would use this website to provide extra practice for early finishers, for those struggling with a skill, or for those 6th graders who need some enrichment. This would be used as an independent activity for students during the math block. If I noticed most of my class was not getting a skill, I might use it for whole group instruction.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Inquiry Project: Essential Question #1

Inquiry Project: Essential Question
Topic: English Language Learners and Literacy

Question:   How can literacy be successfully taught when there are multiple first languages taught in the classroom?


                As technology continues to grow and advance, it is important to remember the benefits of utilizing it in the classroom.  According to Mark Warschauer, 85% of electronic information is stored in the English language.  Using technology to help teach the English Language and literacy will help students with their literacy skills, as well as pick up on computer-based communication and literacy skills. 
                “Electronic literacy” has several approaches to literacy.  As students evaluate on-line information, they are looking at texts as well as multimedia.  Another benefit is “learn autonomy.”  Using this approach to language learning, teachers would have an opportunity for “network-based language teaching.”  Students could work at their own pace.  There are several programs available to technologically assist English Language Learners in the classroom.

Warschauer, Mark & Kern, Richard. Network-based Language Teaching.  2000

Subtopics for Inquiry Group: English Language Learners and Literacy

Factors that influence literacy development- Natalie
Technology for ELLs: Charlotte
Pre-reading activities/building background knowledge: Anna
Differentiated Instruction: Maggie
Bi-lingual Special Education: Shannon

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Annotated Bibliography Prospectus

These books will supplement and enrich a unit on Collection, Display and Interpretation of Data.  This unit takes place within a 6th grade Mathematics class.  All students fall within an average ability level.

Mitchell, Susan K.  Megastructures: The Biggest Thrill Rides. 2008

Oil Spill Disaster. Scholastic, Inc. 2010

Roy, Jennifer Rozines. Graphing in the Desert. 2007