Sunday, February 27, 2011

Inquiry Project: Essential Question #2

Topic: English Language Learners and Literacy-Differentiation

Question:   What are some beneficial literacy strategies to ensure differentiation in the classroom for ELLs?
                The New England Reading Association Journal offers nine strategies that can be used to differentiate in the classroom not only for English Language Learners, but for all students.  A strategy called “Cognates” is a strategy in which students are associate a new word with a word in their native language. For example, a student would give the Spanish word for book.  Choral reading encourages students to practice fluency amongst a group.  “React and Rhyme” is a strategy in which students examine facial expressions while reading and   then create rhymes to help students remember.  Another strategy that is beneficial is to act out stories.
                Students can have “individualized libraries” which consist of new words learned on index cards attached to the ring.  This is beneficial for emerging readers as well.  Students can work in partners or groups to develop peer support.  A strategy that is helpful for English Language Learners is to have an area in the classroom that is “language free.”  An example would be a dramatic play area or sensory table.  For new English Language Learners, it is helpful to avoid figurative language until they can grasp literal meaning.  All of the strategies can be helpful to the variety of learners and learning styles in the classroom.

Source:  New England Reading Association Journal. Buteau, Gerard & True, Marianne, 2009

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