Sunday, February 27, 2011

Inquiry Project: Essential Question #2

Topic: English Language Learners and Literacy-Differentiation

Question:   What are some beneficial literacy strategies to ensure differentiation in the classroom for ELLs?
                The New England Reading Association Journal offers nine strategies that can be used to differentiate in the classroom not only for English Language Learners, but for all students.  A strategy called “Cognates” is a strategy in which students are associate a new word with a word in their native language. For example, a student would give the Spanish word for book.  Choral reading encourages students to practice fluency amongst a group.  “React and Rhyme” is a strategy in which students examine facial expressions while reading and   then create rhymes to help students remember.  Another strategy that is beneficial is to act out stories.
                Students can have “individualized libraries” which consist of new words learned on index cards attached to the ring.  This is beneficial for emerging readers as well.  Students can work in partners or groups to develop peer support.  A strategy that is helpful for English Language Learners is to have an area in the classroom that is “language free.”  An example would be a dramatic play area or sensory table.  For new English Language Learners, it is helpful to avoid figurative language until they can grasp literal meaning.  All of the strategies can be helpful to the variety of learners and learning styles in the classroom.

Source:  New England Reading Association Journal. Buteau, Gerard & True, Marianne, 2009

Monday, February 21, 2011

Website #2


This website is great for visual learner and independent learners!  Countdown provides interactive videos on math skills for students.  "Each week the program introduces a different math concept through direct instruction and reinforces lessons with literature, manipulatives, activities and related computer instruction."

I would use this lesson to reinforce a skill that all students were struggling with, or as independent practice for intervention and/or enrichment.

Website #1

AAA Math

This website is a great website to help enrich middle school math. It is an interactive math website that provides lessons, unlimited practice, and immediate feedback for students. It is divided by grade level from K-8.

I would use this website to provide extra practice for early finishers, for those struggling with a skill, or for those 6th graders who need some enrichment. This would be used as an independent activity for students during the math block. If I noticed most of my class was not getting a skill, I might use it for whole group instruction.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Inquiry Project: Essential Question #1

Inquiry Project: Essential Question
Topic: English Language Learners and Literacy

Question:   How can literacy be successfully taught when there are multiple first languages taught in the classroom?


                As technology continues to grow and advance, it is important to remember the benefits of utilizing it in the classroom.  According to Mark Warschauer, 85% of electronic information is stored in the English language.  Using technology to help teach the English Language and literacy will help students with their literacy skills, as well as pick up on computer-based communication and literacy skills. 
                “Electronic literacy” has several approaches to literacy.  As students evaluate on-line information, they are looking at texts as well as multimedia.  Another benefit is “learn autonomy.”  Using this approach to language learning, teachers would have an opportunity for “network-based language teaching.”  Students could work at their own pace.  There are several programs available to technologically assist English Language Learners in the classroom.

Warschauer, Mark & Kern, Richard. Network-based Language Teaching.  2000

Subtopics for Inquiry Group: English Language Learners and Literacy

Factors that influence literacy development- Natalie
Technology for ELLs: Charlotte
Pre-reading activities/building background knowledge: Anna
Differentiated Instruction: Maggie
Bi-lingual Special Education: Shannon

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Annotated Bibliography Prospectus

These books will supplement and enrich a unit on Collection, Display and Interpretation of Data.  This unit takes place within a 6th grade Mathematics class.  All students fall within an average ability level.

Mitchell, Susan K.  Megastructures: The Biggest Thrill Rides. 2008

Oil Spill Disaster. Scholastic, Inc. 2010

Roy, Jennifer Rozines. Graphing in the Desert. 2007